Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Hydroderm and Dermitage: Don't Waste Your Money

When trying to compare wrinkle creams, the top four things I looks for include:

Customer service

Both Hydroderm and Demitage lose out on all four categories.

Claiming to be among the best wrinkle creams on the market, both products consistently meet with claims that their anti wrinkle cream does not work.

The highest complaint is that they offer supposed “free trials” that end up scamming customers into a “membership offer’ that automatically debits their credits cards every month. I know I mentioned this in a prior post, but it bears repeating.

I was once burned with another type of product and it was very difficult to get out of. I was out hundreds of dollars. My credit card took another couple of hits and I had to close my account and open a new one to stop the charges.

I find these types of business practices deplorable and unethical, so ladies, before you buy anti-wrinkle creams, be wary of supposed “free offers “ , like he ones offered by the makers of Hydroderm and Demitage.

That said, I still have hope that quality anti wrinkle creams do indeed exists, and I feel as if I am days away from discovering the best wrinkle cream around!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Freeze 24/7: A Wrinkle Cream with mixed results

I thought the name Freeze 24/7 was cute. I totally got it. Freeze, as in time and wrinkles. As the name of an anti-wrinkle cream, it was ingenious.

Too bad it didn't work; in fact, the only thing I would say Freeze 24/7 was able to supply was a huge dose of disappointment with a $115 price tag attached.

From what I read, Freeze was supposed to get rid of fine lines and wrinkles within 10minutes. Some women even reported that it was a great anti wrinkle eye cream.

Because I have wrinkles and bags around my eyes, I was excited about the claim. For me, locating a product that was an anti wrinkle facial cream as well as the best eye wrinkle cream on the market, was a real boon.

So, I ordered it, and a few weeks later, I am still looking for the wonderful surprising results promised on the website.

I will say that customer service was a dream and it wasn't too much of a hassle getting my money back, but this doesn’t help me get rid of wrinkles.

I am so surprised that Freeze 24/7 is a highest rated wrinkle cream, but then, some women said it worked for them. Although it had a few noteworthy ingredients, they reduced nary a wrinkle.

At this juncture, I am still hunting for something that will make my dreams of being wrinkle free come true.

If courious, feel free to check out Freeze 24/7 yourself.