Now that we have spent quite some time going over ingredients that don't work, I finally stumbled upon a few that do, and not a moment too soon! My friends and I were just about to toss our hands up in the air in frustration.
Seriously, it seemed as if all four of us were running up against a brick wall in regards to our search for the best wrinkle cream available today.
Luckily, I remember reading about an agent called Acetyl Hexapeptide-3, and decided to see if it was currently being used in an anti-wrinkle cream.
I found several products that did have it, which made me very happy—we will discuss some of those in the weeks to come.
Why does the fact that Acetyl Hexapeptide-3 is used in some of the best wrinkle creams excite me? Because this ingredient has been compared to Botox in that it can reduce and get rid of wrinkles, yet, it isn't as harsh nor does it have debilitating potential side effects.
Acetyl Hexapeptide works instantly to helps relax the facial muscles, which can reduce wrinkles and prevent new ones from forming.
It has also been clinically proven to work.
You see, patience is a virtue, and by being patient, I was finally able to find a quality ingredient for an anti wrinkle cream. Hopefully, this will start something of a small snowball effect, where I will find many more facial creams.
We shall soon see…